Project Food & More (PFM) provides monthly "care packages" to destitute families affected by medical hardship.
To qualify for assistance through Project Food and More:
- A child must have lost one or both parents and is being supported by another family member (usually a grannie), causing an additional burden on the guardian, OR one parent is very sick and cannot work.
- The child must come from an extremely poor economic background.
- A woman must be HIV+, come from an extremely poor economic background and must have been abandoned by her family (husband, in-laws, parents).
How We Help
Project Food and More recipients receive a monthly "care package" including basic cooking ingredients (rice, dahl, other healthy grains), bath and laundry soap, mosquito repellant, protein powder, other staples, and a small amount of cash. The value each "care package" is about US$25. To some of us, this may not seem like much, but is typically a 30--50% increase in a family's monthly income.
We visit the homes of each potential recipient, to interview them about their situation and to evaluate their living conditions. Many live in one- or two-room houses and shacks ("gudisalu") in villages areas or slums, and have no proper running water or toilet facilities.
Project Food and More Sponsor Program
Your sponsorship of a Project Food and More child allows us to expand our work to help even more hungry kids who have suffered the loss of a parent and greatly need assistance.
Donate now. Provide a care package to a Project Food and More family for just $25.